10 Reasons Why Sales Funnel Drives Better Conversion Than Shopping Cart or a Website


So, you are wondering whether you should keep selling online using old shopping cart models or switch to a modern and sophisticated way of selling online A.K.A Sales Funnels using sales funnel builders

If this question haunts you then believe me you are not alone. 

Millions of entrepreneurs have realized the importance of Sales Funnel to sell products and services online and are switching their business models. 

But the question is, why adopt the Sales Funnel model while there already exist dozens of other models to sell products & services online?

Although every business model is different, the following paragraphs will help you make a decision whether you should switch to Sales Funnel or not.

1. Sales Funnels can be launched quickly

It is no secret that sales funnels can be launched quickly. If you don’t want a lot of customization, the basic structure of a sales funnel can be set up in minutes. And in another hour or so, you can be done with all copywriting, images, videos, forms, and calls to actions. 

Like any other skill, you get better at sales funnel creation with the passage of time. It may take you a little longer to learn the process for the first time. But as you get skilled at it, you will be launching the next funnels much quickly. 

Then there comes a time when you will be so skilled at your next funnel creation that you will finish your funnel in minutes. This becomes really easy if you are using a good Sales Funnel Builder with all the easy to use tools and options to set up a funnel quickly. 

If you want to start practicing Sales Funnel for free, we encourage you to sign up for InterFunnels.com 14 days free trial and get started with your sales funnel journey relatively inexpensively. 

2. Sales Funnels Conversion is Much Better

It is no secret now that Sales Funnels convert 3 to 4X better than shopping cart or website

The way digital marketers measure conversion is through Google Analytics, Adwords conversion Pixel, or Facebook conversion pixel

All these platforms tell you the same story when you compare website conversions with a sales funnel. 

But not only conversions are improved, but you also see that the Average Cart Value of Sales Funnel is much better than a shopping cart. This implies that the same customer will pay you more per order when paying through the sales funnel. 

You might be wondering what is the reason for such a huge difference in conversion rates

Then the answer is


Will you go on a war without a digital marketing strategy? Selling online nowadays is like going to war, and you need the right system, right arsenal, and the right strategy. 

3. Sales Funnels Have Focused Approach to Sell Online

What does it mean by focused selling? It means unlike a shopping cart where you have to sell too many products at the same time and cannot focus on one thing at a time, sales funnel is useful where you sell one product or their closely related variants through a focused and laser-targeted marketing

Let me ask you this. Would you rather like to sell 1000 products in your store and be caught up in shipping, handling, and customer care? Or would you prefer selling 1 or 2 good products that bring you more sales through a focused marketing approach? 

Our experience has shown that store and business owners who migrated their best-selling products to the sales funnel model generated 4X more sales than selling the same items on the shopping cart. This is because they focused their marketing and logistics support for their best selling products using a sales funnel approach

The idea is to test test and test…

Split testing your landing pages makes the process even easier…

You have to keep testing your products through sales funnels one product at a time. Once you establish a good sales model, you can replicate the same for more products. 

This way you are creating multiple streams of income, one product at a time. 

It may be possible that some of your products may not sell well-using sales funnel, and that is perfectly fine. You move on to the next product unless you find the best fit.


This is called product validation. You spend a limited budget on each product unless you find a winner. 

Sales Funnel Builders like InterFunnels make this product validation process speedy. You have proven and working sales templates, all you have to do is choose one, add some images and sales copy, add a video, and go. Orders start appearing as soon as you start your ad.

You can check your ROAS and ROI through PIXEL tracking. It is easier to choose a winner based on stats available through a dashboard. Both Facebook Ads and Google Adwords provide you excellent tools to calculate these matrices and make the best-informed decision. 

4. UPSELL More to the Same Customer

Upsells are an awesome tool to hit the iron when it is hot. The customer has already pulled out his credit card, and he/she already has your trust. Now is the time to sell some more to the same customer and increase your average cart value.

Upsells allow you to persuade a customer to buy an additional product right at the time of check out. Usually, an upsell is a more expensive product closely related to the product customer ordered from you. 

Upsell is an awesome way used by business owners to increase your cart average order value. Something that is not easily possible to achieve with a shopping cart. With sales funnel software, you can curate customized messages for your customer, add video, video hosting, testimonials, and many more elements to persuade customers to buy more. 

With all these gizmos, rings, and bells in place, you have 30% more chance to sell an additional item to the same customer

5. Sell Even More with Last Minute Order Bumps

Imagine you have a customer who has made a decision to buy a product from your funnel and has pulled out a credit card from his wallet. This is the best chance to hit the iron when it is hot. 

Order bump offers a highly relevant product to be included in order at the time of checkout. 

For example, if you are selling French fries, an ideal order bump will be adding code to your order. 

Here is another example. Let’s say you are selling your latest book to your customers. Adding an audio version of the same book will be an ideal candidate for order bump, as 30% of people are likely to order audio versions as some people find it more convenient to listen to the book while driving rather than reading all the pages. 

An order bump is a psychological trick to sell more products to the same customer, ultimately increasing your average cart value by 30%. 

6. Email Automation is More Effective With Sales Funnels

Shopify, Woo Commerce, and all other shopping cart software can easily be integrated with Email service providers like MailChimp

However, email automation is at its best when it meets sales funnels. 

In a sales funnel, you can set up email automation on a deeper level at EVERY STEP of your customer journey. 

For example, you can set up an autoresponder series to go out to people who visited the sales page but did not order or did not visit the order page

Or you can set up email automation for customers who filled the order form but did not complete the payment (AKA Order Abandonment Series).

This type of deep-level automation allows you to be more interactive with your audience, and get better ROI on your advertising spending. 

Another advantage of Sales Funnel is its step by step approach. 

You can create multiple steps before your customer completes an order. 

For example, you can capture leads on the step1, so that even if a customer abides the order, you can still follow up with them via email automation. 

Or even if they don’t want to buy your product right now, you can sell them in the future, because you have their email address. 

In other words, your sales process becomes a lead magnet. Converting your raw traffic into leads. 

This is something you can’t do with a shopping cart. In a shopping cart, you do not have access to your visitor’s contact information until they have filled the order form. Most visitors quit before completing the order form. 

7. Paid Ads Retargeting is More Effective With Sales Funnels

Although there are a number of organic traffic sources available, the quickest way to bring traffic to the top of your funnel is through paid ads. 

Facebook Ads & Google Adwords are 2 dominating paid traffic platforms. But it costs you a fortune to buy paid traffic through these platforms. 

So marketers are highly concerned about their ROAS (Return on Ad Spend). Times and Times again we learn people spending too much on top of the funnel and not getting great ROAS. That is because they do not have a strong back end offer. 

Most of the time your front end only pays for the ads bill, and you hardly break even between ad spend and revenues. 

But a carefully designed back end offer makes it a winning combination. You just have to play your cards right. 

With a good back end offer, combined with order bump and strong email follow up automation, you ultimately make a huge profit and better ROAS plus higher average cart value. 

Not to mention you just won a qualified customer and you can always sell them more products in the future. A qualified customer is a real take away from the sales funnel, and you do not have to buy any ads to sell to the same customer again, an email newsletter will do the job. 

Can this combination of FRONT END + BACK END + ORDER BUMP be achieved with a shopping cart? I would say not so easily and not in a systematic way as you would hope. 

Sales funnels make it really easy to build a marketing machine around your products and services that require input raw traffic from paid traffic sources and convert them into qualified customers.

8. Sales Funnels are Newbie Friendly

As a large number of new entrepreneurs are emerging in the online business landscape, most of them are not very tech-savvy. 

It means they always have to rely on other technical guys to handle their technical requirements. 

But if you have the right software tools, you really don’t have to be technical. 

All you have to do is to be able to drag and drop

All modern Sales Funnel & Landing Page Builders work on the concept of newbie-friendly software tools. 

InterFunnels has taken the ease of use to the next level. We take special care about making our user interfaces really easy. 

In interfunnels landing page builder, we have different side panels for every option. 

All you have to do is click on an element inside your landing page template, and we will show you what you can customize inside the landing page. 

This way you can add popups, change colors & text or attach order bump in a fill in the blank format using side panels. 

This unique approach to page building makes InterFunnels the most user-friendly sales funnel builder software on the internet. 

9. Sales funnels Can Work For Any Business Model

Sales Funnels don’t just work for selling products online. You can use a sales funnel model for a number of business types. 

Here are a few examples

  • Personal & Business Branding
  • Coaching
  • Real Estate Leads Generation
  • Financial Leads Generation
  • Selling Ecommerce Products
  • Selling online events & Tickets
  • Selling Webinars
  • Creating membership & training sites
  • Creating private groups & inner circles
  • Selling health-related services (Dentists, Chiropractors, Mental health)
  • Selling products & Services for brick & mortar businesses.

These are just a few examples of businesses that can adopt the sales funnel model, but I do not know any business that can not take advantage of the sales funnel model in one way or another. 

Every business either needs lead or sales to survive, and the best way to generate leads or sales is through Sales Funnel. 

10. Sales Funnel Builds Your Brand

If you are in an online business just to make money then you have a lot of choices. You can become an affiliate, you can sell on AMAZON or you can offer your products and services through a website. You can make money from these income streams, but you will not build your own brand because you are helping others build their brand in these business models. 

But if you are interested in a long term success in business, you must build a brand. 

A real brand will have a longer life than a seasonal business. Just look around you, see all the brands that exist for decades or centuries. They did not focus on making money but adding real value to their customers by winning customer’s trust and loyalty. 

Sales funnels are a great tool specially for personal branding

If you are in the coaching business, your personal branding matters a lot. You must establish yourself as an authority in your niche to win the trust of your audience. You must have a good audience who listen to your ideas and take action on your recommendation. 

With a sales funnel, you can focus on your personal branding by engaging your audience through new campaigns, new offers, and new learning opportunities. 

For example, you can announce webinars, online or offline meetups, and build your email lists. All these tools allow you to not only grow your business but also build your personal brand for long-term success.

This branding is not limited to personal branding only. Even you can build an e-commerce brand on the same principles. Using the Awareness, Association, Consideration, Preference pyramid of a typical sales funnel, you can create authority in your niche for any e-commerce product.

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